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We line the tray with baking paper or food foil. We use a 20x30cm tray. We grind the biscuits in the blender. Put in a saucepan chocolate cream, butter, sweet cream. Mix well until melted and have a homogeneous mixture. Pour into the pan, press very well and level to get a straight top. Let cool for at least 30 minutes.

Asta este in engleza:

These cookies are prepared with a minimum of effort and are very tasty and tender.


Cookies (chocolate cookies)

115 g butter

100 g white sugar

100 gr brown sugar

1 or

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 vanilla essence

175 gr flour

150 gr chocolate flakes

for Pieces: 40


Cookies (chocolate cookies)

Rub the butter well with all the sugar.

Add the egg, then the vanilla and baking powder and mix again.

Put the flour and mix well, then incorporate the chocolate flakes.

Put baking paper on a tray. With a teaspoon, at a distance from each other, we put mounds in the tray. They do not have to be perfect in shape, they will stretch in the tray.

* about 16 cookies enter the oven tray at a time; Bake the fruits in 3 rounds or in 3 trays.

Bake at 170C for 20 minutes. The cookies will be a little soft in the center and brown only on the edge. Even if you are tempted to leave them in the oven longer, because they seem too soft, do not do this cheerfully. Remove the cookies on a wide plate, in a single layer and leave to cool, they will harden.

Aici ai traducerea

Aceste fursecuri se pregatesc cu un minim de efort si sunt foarte gustoase si fragede.


Cookies (fursecuri cu ciocolata)

115 g unt

100 g zahar alb

100 gr zahar brun

1 ou

1/2 lingurita praf de copt

1 esenta vanilie

175 gr faina

150 gr fulgi de ciocolata

pentru Bucati: 40


Cookies (fursecuri cu ciocolata)

Frecam bine untul cu tot zaharul.

Adaugam oul, apoi vanilia si praful de copt si amestecam iar.

Punem faina si omogenizam bine, apoi incorporam fulgii de ciocolata.

Pe o tava punem hartie de copt. Cu o lingurita, la distanta unele de altele, punem movilite in tava. Nu trebuie sa fie perfecte ca forma, se vor intinde in tava.

* pe tava cuptorului intra o data cca 16 fursecuri; coaceti frusecurile in 3 ture sau in 3 tavi dava va permine cuptorul, nu incercati sa le inghesuiti in tava

Se coc la 170C pentru 20 minute. Fursecuri vor fi un pic moi in centru si rumene doar pe margine. Chiar dacă sunteti tentati sa-i lasati mai mult la cuptor, fiindca vi se par prea moi, nu faceti asta vesel. Se scot fursecurile pe o farfurie lata, intr-un singur strat si se lasa la racit, ele se vor intari.