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Vezi imaginea Anabelalungu16
Vezi imaginea Anabelalungu16
Vezi imaginea Anabelalungu16


Ex. 1)

1. charge(a incarca)   2. melt;(topeste)   3. waste (irosi)

4. stomach ache (durere de stomac) 5. back (spate)      6. pollution (poluare)

7. ankle (glezna) 8. flood( potop) 9.  extinct (disparute)

10. standby

EX 2)

1. will pass (voi trece) 2. 'll phone (voi telefona)

3. if (daca) 4. might not ( nu va putea )5. unless (daca nu) 6. miss (voi lipsi)

EX. 3)

1. will be    2.    3. will lend   4. fara to 5. won't study 6. will ask
