Răspuns :
One time, Wayland had no food, he was too proud to beg or too honest to steal, so he decided to work to get something to eat.
People didn't wish Wayland well, because they were scared of him. He was always asking for women, men or horses to sacrifice.
Puck decided to teach the farmer a lesson, because the man left Wayland without thanking him.
The young man was ashamed of the farmer because he made a big mistake leaving without thanking Wayland, the one who helped him with his horse.
Sincer nu stiu la 3 dar sper ca celelalte sunt corecte!!!
Discutați despre răspunsurile la următoarele întrebări. 1. De ce a decis Wayland să lucreze? 2. De ce oamenii nu i-au dorit bine lui Wayland? 3. De ce nu i-a plăcut lui Wayland să apară în sat? 4. De ce a decis Puck să-i dea o lecție fermierului? 5. De ce s-a rușinat tânărului de fermier?
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