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An operator must establish rules for the carriage of passengers in a pilot seat.
That is why the European Community quite simply needs an infrastructure that meets its needs and equitable transport rules for all modes of transport.
In inland waterway transport, different rules for international and national operations will hamper the development of this mode, which otherwise would be the preferable mode in many cases, as is borne out by the statistical data available.
The Commission document addresses the question of maritime transport procedures: even when carrying Community goods between two EU ports, movement is subject to specific customs and transport rules, veterinary and plant-protection regulations and other formalities.
HAVING RECOGNIZED the necessity and desirability of establishing by common agreement certain uniform rules concerning contracts for the carriage of goods by inland waterway.
Any gain in competitiveness also requires generating incentives for investment in more efficient means of transport, fair rules of competition, and internalising the social and environmental costs of general economic activity.
Transmission system operators shall procure the energy they use for the carrying out of their functions according to transparent, non-discriminatory and market based procedures.
Encouragement should also be given at European level to the drawing-up and implementation of adequate safety regulations covering both cyclists and their bicycles as well as cycling infrastructure and other traffic.