Răspuns :
daca nu conteaza atunci it spun
I was playing when you texted me
He was able to finish the test in time
They weren't paying attention at the time
He was late for the camping
- My grandfather fought in World War II . ( Bunicul meu a luptat in Al Doilea Război Mondial . )
- Nobody uttered a word after the judge (had) pronounced the verdict .
(Nimeni nu a rostit nici un cuvânt după ce judecătorul a pronunțat verdictul . )
- As it was getting dark , I decided to stop working . ( Pentru că se întuneca , am hotărât să mă opresc din lucru . )
- We were having a chat , when suddenly we heard a strange noise .
(Stăteam de vorbă , când deodată am auzit un zgomot ciudat . )