Răspuns :
Match the images with the sentences and fill in with: "was", "were”, ”weren't":
a) Pirates were dangerous.
Pirații erau periculoși.
b) Mary was hungry.
Lui Mary îi era foame.
c) The coffee wasn't cold. It was hot.
Cafeaua nu era rece. Era fierbinte.
d) John was cold.
Lui John îi era frig.
e) Grandma and little Tommy weren't at the cinema. They were at the supermarket.
Bunica și micul Tommy nu erau la cinema. Ei erau la supermarket.
f) The boys weren't at school. They were at the swimming pool.
Băieții nu erau la școală. Ei erau la piscină.
g) The cat wasn't awake. It was asleep.
Pisica nu era trează. Ea dormea.
h) The slide was empty.
Toboganul era gol.
i) Jane was very tired.
Jane era foarte obosită.
Obs.: în lipsa imaginilor, punctele b, d, h și j nu au fost completate la forma negativă.
Good luck!