Traduceti mi si mie propozitiile va rogg . Dau coroana.

As purta ceva lejer cu o tematica de Craciun.As purta niste blugi lejeri cu un pulover de Craciun si ca incaltaminte niste ghetute.

Adolescentii prefera mancare nedorita mai mult decat cea de acasa deoarece in unele cazuri este mai gustoasa,mancarea de acasa fiind clasica,ei incercand si alte feluri de mancarem,incercand ceva nou.

In opinia mea ouale,uleiul de masline,laptele,apa si pestele sunt alimente sanatoase.Ouale au putine calorii dar trebuie consumate in cantitati reduse.Uleiul de masiline este bagat in grasimi monosaturate,fiind benefic pentru organism,acesta reducand riscul la boli.Laptele este benefic tinandu-ti corpul in forma.Apa este cel mai sanatos aliment aceasta neavand calorii.Pestele imbunatateste mintea si face inima mai puternica.

Eu as include in cina de Craciun cozonac,chec,friptura de porc,vin.

Eu imi doresc sa-mi petrec Craciunul acasa ,deoarece imi place sa petrec timp cu familia mea,stand imi liniste si pace uitandu ne la un film de Craciun.Acesta este spiritul Craciunului.

In Romania pe masa traditionala de Craciun se pun: sarmale,carnati,salata de beof,friptura de porc,cozonac.

Răspuns :

I'd wear something light with a Christmas theme on it. I'd wear some light jeans with a Christmas sweater and some boots.

Teenagers prefer unwanted food more than they prefer home-made food because in some cases it's more tastier, with home-made food being classic, they try other types of food, in an attempt to try something new.

In my opinion eggs, olive oil, milk, water and fish are healthy foods. Eggs have little to no calories but must be consumed in reduced quantities. Olive oil is put in monosaturated fats, being beneficial to the human body, and overall reducing the risks of diseases. Milk keeps your body in shape. Water is the most healthiest aliment, it having no calories. Fish makes your brain better and also makes the heart strong.

I'd have sweet bread, cake, pork steak, and wine in my Christmas dinner.

I'd like to spend my Christmas at home, since I like spending time with my family while we relax and watch a Christmas movie. This is the Christmas spirit.

In Romania, the tradition Christmas meal has: cabbage rolls, sausages, beef salad, pork steak, and sweet bread.

Sper ca am putut sa fiu de ajutor!!
