Dau 10 puncte si 5 stele !!

6 Portfolio: In pairs, take it in turns to interview one another. Use the questions in Ex. 5 and
your own ideas. Record your interviews.


Find the questions for the other team's answers.

Team A S1: I'm from the USA.
Team B S1: Where are you from?
Teacher: Good. One point for Team B.​

Dau 10 Puncte Si 5 Stele 6 Portfolio In Pairs Take It In Turns To Interview One Another Use The Questions In Ex 5 Andyour Own Ideas Record Your InterviewsGAMEFi class=

Răspuns :

mai intai iti trebuie intrebarile de la 5

What is your last name?

What is your address?

Where are you from?

Who is your favorite actor?

What is your mother's name?

How do you spell it?

si raspunzi la intrebari, cum ar fi.

My last name is..

My address is...

I'm from Romania.

My favorite actor is..

My mom's name is...

You spell "apple" like "a-p-p-l-e".