Răspuns :
1. My mother used to take me to the zoo when I was a child.
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2. They exchanged letters for 50 years, but they never actually met in person
3. He was under deep pressure to get the work done by the end of the day.
4. The main occupation of the careers office is to help students get a good job.
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5. The new shop has a huge collection of videos which cater for all tastes.
6. The new scheme provides greater ways for school-leavers to find work.
7. The increase in funds will allow the doctors to continue their important research.
8. Violent crime is becoming increasingly common in modern cities.
9. Many people believe that bullfighting is cruel and should be banned.
10 Local wildlife will suffer / injure / fail / hurt if the
factory does not stop polluting the nearby river.
28. [Enunț incomplet]
-- Unde e scris enunț incomplet e text care nu era în context/de rezolvat.