Răspuns :
Zilele sapt:
Monday - Luni
Tuesday - Marti
Wensday - Miercuri
Thursday - Joi
Friday - Vineri
Saturday - Sambata
Sunday - Duminica
Ore fixe:
one o'clock
two o'clock
three o'clock
four o'clock
five o'clock
six o'clock
seven o'clock
eight o'clock
nine o'clock
ten o'clock
eleven o'clock
twelve o'clock
Zilele săptămânii/ The days of the week
Monday= Luni
Tuesday= Marți
Wednesday= Miercuri
Thursday= Joi
Saturday= Sâmbătă
Sunday= Duminica
Lunilie anului/ The months of the year
January= Ianuarie
February= Februarie
March= Martie
April= Aprilie
May= Mai
June= Iunie
July= iulie
August= August
September= Septembrie
October= Octombrie
November= Noiembrie
December= Decembrie
Orele fixe
1:00= one o'clock
2:00= two o'clock
3:00= three o'clock
4:00= four o'clock
5:00= five o'clock
6:00= six o'clock
7:00= seven o'clock
8:00= eight o'clock
9:00= nine o'clock
10:00= ten o'clock
11:00= eleven o'clock
12:00= o'clock
Good luck!! <3