Răspuns :
Sports are beautiful and it'sSince I was little I really liked to do ballet. I watched videos with ballerinas every day. They are wonderful. But I wouldn't want to play basketball at all, I just don't like it. You can light it easily. But all great to do one.
Imi cer scuze daca e prea lung, sper ca te-am ajutat, coroana? :))))
1. I would start drawing as a hobby because I have a vivid imagination.
I wouldn't play football because I am wearing glasses at the moment.
2. I like playing the piano. I often imagine me playing in front of a crowd, on a scene. This boosts my confidence for the rest of the day. The hobby gives vitality, confidence, elegance and brilliance. I am not playing the piano everyday because sometimes my fingers start to hurt. I solve this problem by taking a break from playing the piano and I do other hobby instead.