Find the possessive case and determine the plurals and singulars of the nouns below.
a) Where are my brother's glasses?
b) Have you heard the news? It's very interesting.
c) That information was very useful.
d) Everybody spoke about my friend's progress
h) Angela's clothes are always tidy.
in English
i) - Where's your money?
e) Sandu wants to know who the author of this - It's in my pocket/purse.
book is.
j) What's the colour of your mother's hair?
and Me
f) Parents always give good advice to their children
g) Tomorrow Radu will buy himself a new pair of​

Răspuns :


a. brother's glasses

d. friend's progress

h. Angela's clothes

e. author of this

j. mother's hair

the news - desi pare substantiv la plural este defectiv de plural. Se formeaza cu verbul la singular . Pt forma de plural se foloseste cuantificatorul - piece of news/ item of news

that information - nu are forma de plural. Pt plural se folosesc cuantificatorii de mai sus

progress - la fel

clothes - este defectiv de singular

Cuvantul cloth inseamna material

money - defectiv de plural. Verbul sta mereu la singular.

hair - defectiv de plural -  strings of hair

spectacles sinonim cu glasses . Pt ca se foloseste pt parti de corp formate din 2 parti.
